Basically, you need to start of by creating a website using a free site creator such as or (I use Weebly). Make your site attractive and have useful information in about the site but do not overload it with to much text otherwise potential referrals may be put off. • Make sure to include plenty of pictures about Points2Shop. A good idea is to take pictures from the proof topic in the forums on Points2Shop/Cashle.
• Make sure to stick to a topic such as "Free Xbox Live" or dedicate pages to different topics. Alternatively you could create more than one site for each aspect of Points2Shop such as "Free PSN" "Free Xbox Live" "Free Wii Points" etc etc.
Now after you have finished your site and feel that it will stand a sporting chance in gaining you referrals. You can add it to search engine tracker such as:
These sometimes do not work effectively and you may need to study Search Engine Optimization
Now the hard bit is out of the way.
• To get referrals from Facebook is very simple and all it involves is posting messages on popular groups and pages with messages such as GET FREE XBOX LIVE so people cannot miss it.
• I advise creating a temporary account or "spamming" account because Facebook will ban you after a certain amount of spamming in a short period of time. Don't worry however, this ban is only temopary and lasts usually only a few hours.
• Make sure you find groups that match what you are trying to get, for example- Post "Free PSN and Xbox Live" in First Person Shooter groups and pages. And post "Free DVDs" on film pages.
Once you've done this, sit back and hopefully wait for the hits to roll in
Warning: this requires patience and is not always effective. You can have good and bad days.
Try adding a hit counter on your site too:
Hope you found this useful and good luck on getting referrals ![smile](