For Quiz Jungle offers: 1. I make sure I've cleared my cookies, i usually run CCLeaner twice just to be sure.
2. I load my browser (I recommend firefox) and sign in, then go to the main offer page, and type in QJNGL.
*to reach the Main Offer page, you can simply click on the Earn Points tab.
3. I click visit offer, and take the quiz.
Usually takes about a minute or so, then I come to the page where it asks my
name, phone number, etc. I fill that out with all real info, and when i've finished filling out that info, I click "Score My Quiz."
4. After I've done that, i skip the cell phone offers, if any, and i usually sign up for the thing I know that are easy to sign up for
and that are free(Home Depot offers, ITTech, there some more just cant remember D:).
I usually sign up for 2 to 3 sometimes 4 offers, and say no to the others. After all of that, I usually reach the results page.
5. Once I've reached the results page, I sign into the email account that i used on this specific offer, and click the confirmation email, usually 2 to 3 times.
I wait a few minutes, then mark it as completed and wait for it to approve.
Hope this helps .
*Make sure you confirm your email, the offer may or may not approve if dont do so.
* I used yahoo mail for these offers, but i think hotmail and/or gmail will work better.