I want you all to be free to add you own articles to the website, but at the same time I ask that you follow the basic guidelines.
1. Make your post easy to read, Make use of spaces and have your posts in simple step by step format if its a guide. 2. Use screen shots to show the reader something that, in writing, may seem confusing. 3. Don't make duplicate Articles. If you see a certain Guide and think it needs improving, Then please contact me, I will temporarily make you a Moderator giving the ability to Edit Posts. But if you think editing isn't enough (Or the poster forbids it) then feel free to make your own version, we will then delete the worse of the two. Hope that makes sense. 4. If You see a Guide on Points2shop/Cashle and its not yours then you can post it here BUT make sure you mention the author of the post "With special thanks to USER-NAME For writing the guide!"
Have fun and happy posting!