As you know our website is about guide and advice from the members for the members. This is good, its how the site was planned however that little something seems to have gone away. that little something is the Dummies part of this website.
This website is created primarily for new users, and lets face it, some are not smart (no offence!) which is why we need to brighten up the guides and make them more simple, Add in a few jokes, space out the text, Make the primary Objective big and the secondary objections small and Italic.
This is just to make the guides more friendly to users, for example, which would a new user who doesn't like long boring jokeless text prefer. The Points2shop Rules Page or Our own "Basic Rules" page. I think its pretty simple.
So Edit your guides, make them funny and simple, take out that boring text and use screen shots instead, this will all help the new users and with the help of our guides they will become ELITES one day!